All New Apple’s Braided Cable Recently, new images are also getting leaked after the leak of Apple ’s iPhone 12 event coming closer. Now it is confirmed that iPhone 12 Mini and iPhone 12 model in the Apple’s iPhone 12 lineup is going to launch on 13 th of October. Another new leak is about the data cable. New latest braided iPhone lightning to USB-C type cable images are leaked. This may be true because Apple recently introduced its Apple watch Series 6’s braided solo loop. Leaker Mr-white has shared the images of new braided cable that may replace older plastic cables that use to easily break. These new braided cable may come with rubberised, fabric material finish. These braided cables will be potentially more durable and might last longer than the old plastic rubber coated cable. Main problem and concerns of the users were that it starts to fray from edges after usage of few months and more due to wear and tear. Apple iPhone 12 are expected to support the 20W fast ...